​SVSBA Music Library
SVSBA's music collection of over 8400 concert band and stage band pieces is available for any member band to review (online or in person) and borrow for band use.
Browse and Download the Online Catalog
SVSBA's band music collection is cataloged in a spreadsheet that can be viewed online and/or downloaded and sorted by title, composer, arranger, etc. The spreadsheet shows whether the piece is "in" or what band currently has it, and whether it has been prepared for checkout. Pieces that have been inventoried ("SNI" in the Status column of the spreadsheet) are available for "instant" (~5 minutes) check out at the Music Library.
How to Check Out Music
Access to the Music Library is a benefit for SVSBA member bands. Any member of an SVSBA band can check out music for the band's use. Everything's due back by June 30.
Visit the Music Library to browse the collection and check out available pieces, OR …
Order Online: After selecting from the Catalog, email your request to musiclibrary.svsba@gmail.com . You'll get a response regarding arrangements for delivery and an estimate of timing. Please plan at least 2 weeks ahead.
Visit the Music Library in Person
471 Maidu Drive Auburn CA 95603. Hours flexible by appointment – email musiclibrary.svsba@gmail.com
Music Library Users Manual
What's expected when you borrow SVSBA music.
Helping in the Music Library
The SVSBA Music Library has no paid staff. Its availability as a benefit to SVSBA member bands depends on volunteer labor. Please help! No experience required; training is provided.